Pop-up Pantry gives out fresh food to students

Geovanni Botticella
2 min readMay 28, 2019


Alexis Swanson-Coleman, a nutrition justice intern at the Marilyn Magaram Center, hands out fresh vegetables to a CSUN student at the Pop-up Pantry at the University Student Union on Feb. 27. The Pop-up Pantry is an event that is held monthly and provides students with fresh produce.

The first CSUN Pop-up Pantry of the semester gave out fresh fruit and vegetables to hundreds of students at the University Student Union on Wednesday, Feb. 27.

The Pop-up Pantry is a new event created by CSUN’s food pantry that started in October 2018. The Pop-up Pantry compliments the food pantry’s normal resources by providing fresh produce.

Maria Elizondo, the coordinator of volunteer community involvement and engagement for the food pantry, explains that because it is a monthly event the Pop-up Pantry is able to provide more fresh foods.

Maria Elizondo, coordinator of volunteer community involvement and engagement for the CSUN food pantry, at the Pop-up Pantry at the University Student Union on Feb. 27.

“At the CSUN food pantry we are only allowed to distribute dry goods and canned goods,” said Elizondo. “In the Pop-up Pantry we primarily distribute fresh fruits and vegetables. It’s a compliment to something we already do and something we knew our students wanted. We have seen it done at other universities and we knew it would do well here too.”

Student picks up fresh bok choy from the pop up pantry at the USU. Taken on 2/27/19

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Geovanni Botticella

A Los Angeles based writer and photographer. Everyday I’m discovering myself and moving closer toward my goals.