Geovanni BotticellaThe Southern Reach Trilogy: Beyond a PlotSynopsis: The Souther Reach Trilogy is great, but what is holding it back from major popularity.Jun 14, 2023Jun 14, 2023
Geovanni BotticellaAvatar: The Legend of Korra the foil to The Last AirbenderAbout a year ago I bought the bluray copies of Avatar: The Last Airbender & Avatar: Legend Of Korra. It had been some time since I…May 24, 2020May 24, 2020
Geovanni BotticellaHighs and Lows of the High Republic.Star Wars the High Republic is a new era of Star Wars that takes place 200 years before the events of Phantom Menace setting it well…Jun 15, 2022Jun 15, 2022
Geovanni BotticellaCould Thrawn Pave the way for the First Order?With Grand Admiral Thrawn’s confirmed return and first introduction to Live action could we see him begin to pave the way for the Frist…Aug 2, 2022Aug 2, 2022
Geovanni Botticella4 Series that can take place during the Sequel Era of Star WarsWith all the Star Wars content being released it is almost criminal that such little content is being created around the Sequel era. While…Aug 24, 2022Aug 24, 2022
Geovanni BotticellaTrail of Shadows could inspire new Star Wars Stories“Star Wars The High Republic: Trail of Shadows” is a comic mini-series by Daniel Jose Older and David Watcher. The story follows Jedi…Oct 23, 2022Oct 23, 2022
Geovanni BotticellaWonder Woman Historia: The Amazons. A Review & Ode to DC Black Lable.Review:Apr 26, 2023Apr 26, 2023